The Technion actively encourages and welcomes collaboration between researchers and industry partners on innovative research and projects. Industry partners can engage with Technion researchers in various ways, including funding sponsored research, making a gift, joining an affiliate program, providing materials and data, collaborating on joint projects, and more.




Sponsored Research

At the Technion, we thrive on tackling complex and interesting challenges. Sponsored research projects have the power to accelerate scientific discovery and drive early-stage technologies toward successful commercial partnerships. Our team is here to facilitate your collaboration with Technion researchers.

Strategic Alliances

Strategic alliances at the Technion leverage the expertise of multiple investigators over several years to achieve groundbreaking scientific advancements. Designed to be creative, flexible, and effectively managed, these institution-level partnerships bring together teams of the brightest minds to address significant and complex global challenges.

Our Industry Relations team is specifically equipped to help you build a successful and fulfilling collaboration with our world-class faculty experts.